find a Vulnerable Website

How to find a Vulnerable Website?

Site Security is a noteworthy issue today and ought to be a need in any association or a website admin, Now a days Hackers are concentrating alot of their endeavors to discover gaps in a web application, If you are a site proprietor and having a High Page rank and High Traffic at that point quite possibly you may be a casualty of these Hackers. 

Scarcely any years back their existed no appropriate devices scan for helplessness, however now a days there are huge amounts of instruments accessible through which even a novice can locate a defenseless site and begin Hacking 

Regular Methods utilized for Website Hacking 

There are loads of techniques that can be utilized to hack a site yet most normal ones are as per the following: 

1.SQL Injection 

2.XSS(Cross Site Scripting) 

3.Remote File Inclusion(RFI) 

4.Directory Traversal assault 

5.Local File inclusion(LFI) 

6.DDOS assault 

I have clarified some of these strategies in my post "Normal techniques to hack a site" 

Instruments usually used to locate a powerless site 


Acunetix is one of my most loved instrument to discover a respectability in any web application It consequently checks your web applications for SQL Injection, XSS and other web vulnerabilities.


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