ClickJack Attack

How Clickjacking Attacks Work Clickjacking—the act of misleadingly guiding a site guest's snaps to an undesired component of another site—is shockingly compelling. It's been frequently used to proliferate connects to malevolent sites on Facebook. All the more as of late, comparative strategies have been indicated compelling in de-anonymizing site guests and notwithstanding deceiving them into giving assailants access to OAuth-secured information. We should perceive what such assaults involve. Classic Clickjacking to Propagate Links on Facebook In a great clickjacking situation, an aggressor sets up a malignant site that undetectably implants the Facebook "Like" or "Offer" catch in a straightforward iframe. The iframe glides over a page component that the casualty is probably going to tap on; then again, the undetectable iframe takes after the mouse cursor. At the point when the casualty clicks inside the malignant site, the snap is coordinat...